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The men ran the notorious Moretti-Pellegrino-Lanza cell which extorted hundreds of businesses and was one of many clans that were brought to life by godfather Raffaele "The Prince" Cutolo. It is incorporated as a non-profit organization under the U.S Internal Code 501 (c)(3). DEEP in the foothills of southern Italy, a vicious new mafia gang is wreaking havoc on locals by executing enemies in broad daylight and bombing businesses. Il valore degli immobili del cerignolano Arcangelo Brandonisio oggetto di un sequestro preventivo, ammonta a due milioni di euro. Behind the welcoming veneer of the villages of Foggia, Apulia, lays a dark and sinister network of mobsters who slay their victims with a sawn-off shotgun blast to the face. Terms of Service, 2023Gangsters Inc. - Le analisi parlano di 30 clan (un migliaio di affiliati) che operano su un territorio visto come una mucca da mungere. The ruthless thugs are also known for hiding their victims bodies in an execution style known as a "Lupara Bianca". Wounded were gaetano Minafra and Francesco SalinaroBari murdercase Pietro Cantalice15 september 1997 was in Bari Pietro Cantalice (25) killed, he is a nephew of the wife of Sabino Capriati who wars already for 5 years with the Laraspata clan for dominance in Borgo Vecchio, Bari. Ezechiele 25.17: il cammino dell'uomo timorato minacciato da ogni parte dalle iniquit degli esseri egoisti e dalla tirannia degli uomini malvagi. Community Australia & NZ Joined June 2013. )Bari district San Paolo boss Nicola TelegrafoNicola Telegrafo was arrested 18 april 2003 and he was at war with the Diomede family and his clan had killed 21 april 2003 Diomede man Michele De Santis (22)18 july 2003 was the boss Giuseppe Cardinale (42) shot and killed and wounded was his brother in law Lorenzo Catacchio. HUGE CERIGNOLA OLIVES 250g. Caputo's large family came from Canosa di Puglia.Piarulli-Ferraro clan in Foggia18 February 1997 police confiscate in Bari for 10 billion lire of goods from Trifone (50) and Savino (28) Cellamare of the Piarulli-Ferraro clan in Foggia. Bari20 october 1997 in Bari Giuseppe Viatore (42) gets killed and later that day Francesco Reca (23) gets wounded. Richiedi un preventivo Chiama 347 138 1201 Indicazioni stradali WhatsApp 347 138 1201 Invia SMS a 347 138 1201 Contattaci Prenota un tavolo Fissa un appuntamento Effettua un ordine Visualizza il menu. Dirgli di no significava non lavorare, Oro Rosso, le storie di caporalato diventano musica. Also connected to the murder were Rocco Moretti, Salvatore Prencipe, Vito Lanza and Savino Lanza (whose sister is the fiancee of Luigi Piserchia)Roberto Sinesi and murder of Giovanni Panunzio 6 november 1992 was entrepreneur Giovanni Panunzio killed by Sinesi's nephew Donato Delli carri (23), Cesare Antoniello (32), Teodorico Casorio (40), Mario Francavilla (39), Michele Mansueto (38), Franco Spiritoso (33), Federico Trisciuoglio (39), Antonio Vinciguerra (45) and Angelo Maglione (29). FERRARO NOLEGGI TECNOLOGIA ALL' AVANGUARDIA Info 3471381201. A classic Italian table olive, they pair well with Fontina and Asiago. When the military wing of the mafia merges with the business wing, they build an organisation that is much stronger and much more efficient. Ok. ruda bonus goturmek. Biancoli man Giuseppe MorelliBiancoli man Giuseppe Morelli survived an ambush 4 january 1996 in bar Stella at orders of Donato Laraspata, Giovanni Montoni (montani??) Boss Giuseppe Annoscia wanted to avenge the murder of his friend Antonio De Marzo (Mazzo??) For the murder got Domenico Masciopinto (a nephew of the boss Antonio Di Cosola whose brother is Cosimo Di Cosola) a life sentence and the other shooters were Luigi Frasca, Giovanni Partipilo, Francesco Costa and the brothers Luigi and Vincenzo Guglielmi.In august 2008 was Stramaglia man martino Salatino killed.Valenzano boss Michelangelo Stramaglia killed24 april 2009 was the boss Michelangelo Stramaglia killed (his son is Michele Stramaglia and his daughter is Marina Stramaglia). Furti e rapine sono tra le attivita illecite maggiormente perseguite da molti clan che favoriscono la crescita criminale delle giovani leve talvolta minorenni e il reperimento immediato di canali di liquidita. 29 december 2001 was his nephew Pietro Coppa (33) wounded ??? Italy - USD Audace Cerignola - Results, fixtures, squad, statistics, photos, videos and news - Soccerway USD Audace Cerignola Summary Matches Squad Statistics Transfers Trophies Venue Info. The GraphicSprings logo creator allows you to create clan logos in minutes. (Employees figure is estimated, Sales figure is modelled). "When he tried to tell locals they have a mafia problem we were often told that we were too fixated on the mafia, as if we wanted to deliberately pick them out. It lies on high ground marking the southern limit of the Puglia Tableland, southeast of Foggia. Michele Pazienza and Giuseppe Leccese were suspected of the attack at Domenico ConteAndrea Montani18 august 2003 was Antonio Piemonte (19) shot and wounded. 3,261 Followers. La bataille s'inscrit dans la troisime guerre d'Italie (1500-1504) et se solde par la victoire des Espagnols. Lindagine In Vino Veritas conclusa dai carabinieri il 25 settembre 2020 ad esempio ha evidenziato il grave allarme sociale tra i viticoltori di Torremaggiore che da tempo subivano danneggiamenti accompagnati da minacciose richieste estorsive. We can see this kind of culture in organizations that are not limited to family, but where members share values and act as a close-knit community. Nella sua qualita di master per la Puglia era responsabile della diffusione commerciale dei siti e brand utilizzati dallassociazione con il compito di affiliare nuove sale giochi e scommesse. The investigations led to the warehouses of a car service in Piedmont, owned by Italian Pierino Longhi, 50. Cuomo and former RJR sales executive Franco GabrieleAnother taped conversation in 1996 revealed Gabriele trying to sell containers of Marlboros to Cuomo for shipment out of either Aruba or Canada to warehouses in Cyprus or Antwerp, even though Philip Morris already manufacturers Marlboros in Europe and Italy's Tobacco Monopoly manufactures them under license for sale in Italy. What time is the first Bus to Ferraro Matteo in Cerignola? And once the mafia infiltrates the legal economy, they enter this grey zone., He said members were part of a backward society where bloody violence, harassment, vendettas, dominance and subjugation" went hand in hand with a "yearning thirst for money and power, where lOmerta is king and the rule of every thought and every action. Sequestro beni per 2 milioni a pregiudicato clan Piarulli - Ferraro. In 2020, the Foggian Society exploded bombs outside a key witness house and shot dead a 50-year-old man in his car, according to the Guardian. In January alone, Italys ministry of the Interior set up a taskforce to tackle rising violence against local business owners after another two bombs exploded in front a hairdressers, local media reports claim. He was suspected of being a killer of Marcello Catalano and Viscillo in 1999. operation Araba Feniceagainst Sinesi- Francavilla clan23 may 2003 police arrested in operation Araba Fenice 17 people and still sought 4. Back to page one of Sacra Corona Unita by Puparo, Bari district Borgo AnticoBrothers Donato Laraspata, Raffaele Laraspata and Tommaso Laraspata are at war with the Biancoli clan (Parisi allies) and the Laraspata family rules the district Borgo Antico in Bari and their topkiller is Saverio Finocchio and they support the Montani clan in their war with Capriati. At the murdersite were Cosimo Leo and Carbone righthand Luigi Girardo (33). !! I clan predominanti sono i Li Bergolis di Monte Sant'Angelo (alleati della batteria foggiana dei Sinesi-Francavilla), gli Alfieri e i Primosa di Monte Sant'Angelo, i Romito di Manfredonia e le famiglie dei Tarantino e dei Ciavarrella di San Nicandro Garganico in perenne lotta fra loro (la prima famiglia citata, tra queste ultime due, ha esteso la sua influenza criminale anche in qualche comune limitrofo ed anche oltre i confini regionali). The process is easy and straightforward. Il valore degli immobili del cerignolano Arcangelo Brandonisio oggetto di un sequestro . The trigger-happy thugs have killed 300 people in over four decades, according to The Times, and committed a murder every week a robbery once a day between 2017 and 2018, according to the Guardian. Their father is Antonio Ladisa (53) and his wife is Isabella Barone (51). Giuseppe AnnosciaBari district San Paolo family CapriatiBoss Sabino Capriati (47) and his sons Giuseppe Capriati, Domenico Capriati and Filippo Capriati. Francavilla clanMurder of Marcello Consales (35) was killed 23 july 2003 in the area ruled by Roberto Sinesi (at the moment for 15 years imprisoned) and he was a member of the Sinesi- Francavilla clanFrancavilla clanMurder of leonardo Soccio (23) who was shot and killed 13 august 2003, he was a member of the Sinesi- Francavilla clanFoggia murdercase Giuseppe Francavilla30 august 2003 was in Foggia then Giuseppe Francavilla (31) killed. The philologist Nicola Zingarelli was . Nicoletta Gmez era una adolescente aterrorizada cuando Taviano Ferraro y su hermano le salvaron la vida. Tweets & replies. "But here, they arent simply trying to eliminate someone; they are really trying to cancel any memories of this person. Known as the Massacre of Marco San Lamis, the men were gunned down after witnessing mafia boss Mario Luciano Romito and his brother-in-law killed outside their property and were shot in the back as they fled. Bari boss Raffaele Laraspata arrested10 december 1997 in Napels Raffaele Laraspata (37) gets arrested, he is a boss in Bari where he ordered about 12 murders. Montenegro, Cuomo and Santo Vantaggiato tapped phonecallIn 1996, Italy's Anti-mafia Investigative Agency taped a telephone conversation between Cuomo and Santo Vantaggiato, a fugitive from Italian law hiding in Montenegro. Il Giugliano si goduto ieri un'altra giornata speciale vincendo 3-1 il confronto con l'Audace Cerignola.Dopo la gara sono arrivate le parole del tecnico dei Tigrotti Giovanni Ferraro.. Queste le sue parole: stata una bella partita contro una squadra davvero forte a cui faccio i complimenti. Chiesa dal Carmine. Chiesa Madre. Particolari sulloperazione saranno resi noti nel corso di una conferenza stampa che si terr alle ore 10 presso la comando di via Guglielmi. Il prodotto era stato acquisito da una societa inesistente riconducibile a un soggetto cerignolano gia indagato nellambito dellindagine, Ricevi gratuitamente le notizie sul tuo Messenger di Facebook. This was later told by pentiti Vito Di Emidio, Maurizio Coffa ed Erminio Cavaliere. 22 march 2003 was Giovanni Troisi (29 from Melissano) killed in his restaurant in Amburgo (Hamburg?? Under the arrested is Andrea Montani Bari murdercase pentito Gennaro Carella 26 April 1998 was the pentito Gennaro Carella (30) found near Bari he had been killed while his boss the camorista Francesco Paolantonio watched, a year earlier he had testified against the clan in the city Carbonara.3 july 1998 were the witness Gioacchino Silecchia (20) and Nicola Gentile (28) killed.Carella30 March 1998 in Bari Saverio Carella, his son Giovanni Carella (27) and bystander Riccardo Di Gioia (51) get killed at orders of Giuseppe Annoscia, Giandonato Sciacovelli and Giovanni Sardella. P.IVA 03942360714, Il gotha della mafia cerignolana si allarga in provincia di Foggia e nella Bat. Significative, al riguardo, le pressioni estorsive nel settore agroalimentare, un vero e proprio business per la criminalita organizzata, nonche uno strumento particolarmente efficace per affermare il controllo del territorio. Il prodotto era stato acquisito da una societa inesistente riconducibile a un soggetto cerignolano gia indagato nellambito dellindagine Oro giallo (maggio 2019). And it's hard not to see why - the Gargano clan and the groups that make up the Foggian Society (La Societ Foggiana) - partially run by Rocco "The Pig" Moretti, Vincenzo "Capantica" Pellegrino and Vito Bruno "The Hare" Lanza - are some of the deadliest in Italy. Francesco Annoscia and Andrea Annoscia. Tra le criticita legate alla contaminazione criminale dellagroalimentare si inquadra il fenomeno del caporalato che risulta per ovvie ragioni direttamente connesso con quello dellimmigrazione clandestina e in modo specifico sul territorio foggiano alla gestione dei ghetti di Borgo Mezzanone e Rignano Garganico. . Sinopsis: La familia criminal de Chicago, Los Ferraro, har cualquier cosa para proteger a uno de los suyos en esta emocionante entrada en la serie Shadow Riders de la autora nmero 1 del New York Times Christine Feehan. Dont think of this mafia as primitive, fierce, violent, closed and restricted to a patchwork of areas in Foggia," he told us. Our clan emblem maker is a popular choice for gamers and anybody else looking to create a cool brand. Read Next: 10 More Brutal Scottish Clan Massacres. His years of service in Italy's anti-mafia body the DNA has exposed him to heart-breaking stories of fear and loss among locals. Santo Vantaggiato was reputed to be close with the "clan" of Adriano Benedetto Stano, "boss" in the "Scu" and 10 november 1996 arrested in Perugia after which he became a pentito. Domenico Capriati (son of Sabino Capriati) feud with Domenico Strisciuglioduring the Borgo Anticotrial the boss Domenico Capriati insulted the boss Domenico Strisciuglio (his boss is Domenico Monti Mimmo u biondo) Bari boss Domenico Strisciuglio orders murder of Giuseppe Capriati26 February 1997 the boss Domenico Strisciuglio his men killed Giuseppe Capriati the brother of Domenico Capriati and a war broke out between the Capriati family and the Strisciuglio family about who rules Baris district.30 july 1997 was Saverio Monteleone killed.23 august 1997 was Donato Amoruso (18) shot and killed , he is the nephew of the boss Raffaele Laraspata. Ciro Francavilla and Pino Francavillas sister Leonarda Francavilla (husband Flavio Lo Mele who was killed)Trisciuoglio familyFederico Trisciuoglio (49) Polpetta aka U Zuppe, his wife Eugenia Raimondi (46) and their children Giuseppe (25) Mansueto familyMichele Mansueto got 23 years.Prencipe familyLibero Matteo PrencipeSinesi- Francavilla topkiller Franco Vitagliani a Sciuccarella (born 1964)In january 1989 Franco Vitagliani killed his friend the boss Giuseppe Laviano and the body disappeared. Rental Cars. who belonged to the clan of pentito Luigi Svezia. Diomede family16 july 1992 was Domenico Cassano (17 and son of Lorenzo Cassano) shot and killed and Giuseppe Ruggiero (17 and family of the Diomede family) wounded. They were accused of the murder of Francesco De Luca, the murder try at Luigi Perdon in Foggia 19 april 2003, the murder try at Angelo Gallucci on 10 may 2003, the try at Gianfranco Bruno and Rodolfo Bruno while wounded was Giulio Garofalo on 1 april 2003 and they had wanted to kill Donato Angelo Pinto but were then arrested. Likes. E del 3 luglio 2020 loperazione dei carabinieri di Pesaro Urbino che ha permesso di ricostruire le specifiche responsabilita di due pregiudicati di Orta Nova nellassalto al bancomat avvenuto nel settembre 2019 a Gradara (PU) nel corso del quale fu asportata una cassaforte contenente 34mila euro in contanti. Giuseppe De Felice). Diomede ally CatacchioNicola Catacchio and his son Lorenzo CatacchioBari district Liberta boss Lorenzo Caldarola and his son Francesco CaldarolaMariano catacchio was the right hand of Lorenzo Caldarola and was killed 18 september 200831 october 2008 they try to kill as revenge Giovanni Lovreglio and Angela Raggi (wife of Paolo Giacomo Valentino, the ex boss of San Paolo) at the orders of Lorenzo Caldarola. 13 august 2003 tried Giacomo Maggio at orders of Michele Pazienza to kill Vito Napoli who escaped while Enzo Simiraro was killed, 3 days later disappeared Michele Pazienza for ever . Things to Do. Your clan might include your parents and siblings, but also your cousins and second cousins, aunts and uncles, and grandparents. Matteo Biancoli il Leone killedMatteo Biancoli il Leone (31) was 20 april 2002 killed.San Valentino (Valentines day) massacre of Strisciuglio clan members by Diomede clan14 February 2000 were Nicola Cassano (45) and Vito Marzulli (48) shot and killed while wounded were Tommaso Montaruli (47), Francesco Abbrescia (39) and Nicola Colangiuli (35) who belong to the Strisciuglio clan. Al termine della rifinitura odierna sono arrivate le parole di Giovanni Ferraro, tecnico del Giugliano, che ha cos presentato la sfida di domani contro l'Audace Cerignola, valida per la prima giornata della Poule Scudetto. A HEARTBREAKING TALE. 9 october 1998 were Luca montanaro (22) and Michele Talamo (22) killed by Alessandro Saponaro (23). Brindisi murdercase Salvatore LupertiIn june 1998 was in Brindisi Salvatore Luperti killed. Powered by. Parisi clan pentito Pasquale Crocitto (33) was killed 23 march 1991 by Michele Gallo, Sebastiano Cafagno at the orders of Parisi. Montani clan in war with CapriatiBari district San Paolo family Diomede Antonio TeteDiomede (disappeared in December 1990) and his brothers Biagio Diomede Biagu u lengh(his sons are Cesare Diomede, Giuseppe Diomede and Nicola Diomede) and Giuseppe Diomede Pinuccio il cantanteDiomede ally Giuseppe Mercante Giuseppe Mercante his brother Amleto (Amodeo) Mercante (28 september 2005 killed).Giuseppe Mercante Giuseppe Diomede clan suffered the expansion of its rival group, headed by Vito Manzari, close to the historic MONTANI clan, Bari district San Paolo family Montani Andrea MontaniBari district Enziteto the boss Antonio ScagliosoBari district Enziteto Giovanni Petrosino and wife Anna Ruggiero. celebrities with a aries sun. Laraspata ally LosetoLaraspata Montani allies?? Francesco Capriati (24) was killed 29 june 2001.18 may 2001 were wounded Giuseppe Millione and Massimiliano MonacelliIn 2001 was drugdealer Giuseppe Milella killed and suspect is Cosimo Damiano Montani a nephew of paolo Andrea Montani 19 june 2001 was wounded Francesco Partipilo a nephew of Tonino Capriati.4 november 2000 was Abaticchio associate Vito Navarra attacked.31 Janaury 2002 was Cosimo Leone killed.Bari murdercase Francesco Capriati29 June 2001 was in Bari Francesco Capriati (son of carmine Capriati, the brother of Tonino Capriati) killed, he was a nephew of the boss.Strisciuglio war with Capriati family12 july 2001 was the innocent Michele fazio (15) killed by Leonardo Ungredda (himself killed 19 august 2003 when 22 and his mother is Anna Ungredda), Raffaele Capriati (18) and Francesco Annoscia (19) when they want to murder Strisciuglio man Marino Catacchio and Vito De Felice (his wife is Lucrezia Morelli, ?? Trips Alerts Sign in. I risultati investigativi conseguiti permettevano di documentare, inoltre, unavanzata progettualita per la commissione di altri reati dello stesso genere. Cerignola Tourism: Tripadvisor has 5,134 reviews of Cerignola Hotels, Attractions, and Restaurants making it your best Cerignola resource. Suspect is Antonio Foggetti24 april 2006 was Giovanni Cellammare (45) arrestedBorough?? La Marca: Questo album il coronamento di un sogno, Terremoto al Riuniti di Foggia, appalti pilotati in vari settori. Cuomo, 54, is in a Swiss jail, fighting extradition. by Claudio Russo Operation double Edge II against Societa bosses Giovanna Sinesi, Anna Dei, Franco Spiritoso 11 may 2005 were sentenced in operation Double Edge II: Antonio Bernardo (3 years), Felice Direse (4 years), Michele Mansueto (3 years), Vincenzo Melfitano (3 years), Antonio Vincenzo Pellegrino (3 years), Salvatore Prencipe (3 years), Franco Spiritoso (3 years) e Federico Strisciuoglio (4 years). Mayor Barbara Ferraro. Il valore degli immobili sequestrati ammonta a due milioni di euro. Description: Custom bundle from live show 10.17.22. Lintera area dei cinque reali siti riporta la relazione pur risentendo in modo significativo dellinfluenza della criminalita cerignolana annovera realta come quella di Orta Nova con un tessuto criminale forte e caratterizzato dallegemonia del gruppo Gaeta che allo stato coesisterebbe con figure trasversali capaci di ben interagire anche con la mafia foggiana. Bible Of Neonatology clan piarulli cerignola This corresponds to an approximate flight time of 1h 57min. Zurich arrest of Neapolitan Gerardo Cuomo Cuomo was arrested on May 10, 2000, in Zurich on an Italian warrant for cigarette smuggling out of Montenegro and for being a member of a mafia-like organization. Luigi Mazzola got 2 years. Bari district San Paolo boss Nicola Telegrafo10 october 2003 Savino Parisis nephew Radames Parisi gets a quarrel with Pietro Scintilla who was the next day attacked ,on 11 october 2003 was Nicola Telegrafos righthand Pietro Scintilla (36) shot and wounded he was in company of Telegrafos other righthand Carlo Contini. Bari based Capriati family23 March 1992 police do in Bari 41 arrests under whom the brothers Antonio Capriati and Mario Capriati, the sicilian boss Antonello Lazzarotto (36) from Messina, the brothers Sebastiano Giorgi, Bruno Giorgi and Vincenzo Giorgi from San Luca and Lazzarotto's wife Chiara Picca. Andrea Milloni escaped 18 october 2003 from an attack with his brother Giuseppe Milloni. Ferraro, a 6-foot wide receiver, produced a senior season to remember for the Saints this past fall, tallying a team-high 64 receptions for 721 yards (team-best) and three touchdowns. Local business He said gangs have started selling tomatoes and other agricultural goods at cut-throat prices as a means the launder their cash, sending legitimate firms bust. Enjoy 25% off all food on Friday and Saturday nights between 11:00 pm and 1:00 am. We can loosely define a clan as people unified by shared membership in a group principally organized based on kinship. Poi c Stornara, dovele dinamiche criminali evidenziano gli investigatori antimafia risultano legate in parte alla famiglia malavitosa Masciav ma soprattutto allinfluenza della criminalita cerignolana che quel territorio puo utilizzarlo come base logistica per le proprie operazioni predatorie. Warrior Cat Clan Generator SAGECLAN. Clan cerignolani Piarulli-Ferraro e De Tommaso soci in affari della cosca calabrese Pelle-Vottari di San Luca per colpi al nord Lucia Piemontese 22 Marzo 2022 In Edicola Riproduci Pausa Stop Aumenta Diminuisci Carattere normale Carattere per dislessici Alto contrasto Alto contrasto Alto contrasto Carattere Medio Predefinito Condividi (fr) Bari boss Raffaele Laraspata orders murder of Antonio Sciannimanico5 April 1997 Laraspata's men kill Antonio Sciannimanico (37). Vacation Packages. The 5 is the first Bus that goes to Ferraro Matteo in Cerignola. The ruthless thugs are also known for hiding their victims bodies in an execution style known as a "Lupara Bianca". At the time, Cutolo ran the notorious la Nuova Camorra Organizzata (the New Camorra Organisation) and was looking to expand his criminal empire into neighbouring Apulia. Proprio a tal proposito emerge come nellintera provincia la criminalita comune ben conviva con quella organizzata in particolare proprio con la malavita cerignolana e quella della BAT manifestandosi principalmente in reati di natura predatoria. Chef Michael Ferraro [email protected] 54 Prince Street NYC. In september 2008 they tried to kill Angelo Bruno (23) who was hit but survived. They have created a climate of fear, of terror and this has brought a total Omerta - a code of silence. Cerignolani Show more Wiki Examples of in a sentence "Cerignola il focolaio pi vivo in Provincia". Vito parisi and his son Radames Parisi (nephew of Savino Parisi)Parisi membersParisi members Luigi Cardinale, Michele Gallo, Eugenip Palermiti vice boss Bari district Japiga boss Savino Parisi arrestedParisi clan pentito Pasquale Crocitto (33) was killed 23 march 1991 by Michele Gallo, Sebastiano Cafagno at the orders of Parisi. At the end of the day, all the mafia wants is to gain power and make money. Bella Di Cerignola Bella di Cerignola olives, or Cerignola, are enormous Italian olives with an irresistibly mild, buttery flavor and tender bite. Puntata. The next day Lazzarotto gets found dead in his cell.Bari based Capriati familyIn may 1992 police arrest Filippo Capriati (21) and Massimiliano Ladisa (23) when they go out to ambush a member of the Manzari family.28 July 1996 was Donato Ladisa (30) killed, he is the brother of pentito Michele Ladisa, a killer for the Capriati family. Prudentino and his brother worked for the brothers Donato Laraspata, Raffaele Laraspata and Tommaso Laraspata from Bari district Borgo AnticoPentito Giuseppe Montani PaninoPentito Giuseppe Montani Paninohis brother in law Pietro Coppa (32) was 4 january 2002 wounded.Matteo Biancoli il Leone friend Francesco Signorile killedAntonio Abbaticchio man Francesco Signorile (30) was shot and killed 8 january 2002, Signorile was a friend of Matteo Biancoli il Leone. Giovanni Montani killedAndrea Montani had then his nephew Giovanni Montani killed in October 2006 by Gaetano Capodiferro U scannatbecause he had fled and didnt avenge his nephewGiacomo quaranta was arrested 16 may 2007 (right).21 july 2008 was Strisciuglio man Giuseppe Peschetola (31) shot and killed, his girlfriend was the sister of Vito RomitoIn august 2008 was Martino Salatino killed in Adelfia. El lector se sumerge rpidamente en la historia a travs de uno de los personajes, Ottavia, quien cuenta en primera persona la cotidianidad de la familia Ferraro, inmigrantes italianos radicados en medio de la pampa gringa argentina, en los aos 40', con .

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