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pampered chef host rewards

}, var tpcfooterlcForm = document.getElementById("tpcfooterlcForm"); } } else { * *Based on 2020 host redemption of specials, discounts, half-price items, and free product value. margin-bottom: 5px !important; max-width:70%; } if(location.hostname == ""){ display:flex; height: 0!important; All Rights Reserved. } line-height: 32px; These can vary from a discounted set of items, to 60% off of a higher priced item. if(location.hostname == ""){ to see all the Shows you're invited to or hosting! }, .hostDashboard { font-size: 15px; // get the current questions content width: 100%; .bac-promo .default-content-area img{ "", font-family: "Foundation Sans Roman",sans-serif; }, background-color: #FFF; That is not what I was told many years ago when I bought it. btn[2].checked = false; margin-bottom:40px; var qn = questions["question" + currentQn]; font-size: 16px; } A. line-height: 20px; border-radius: 50%; #hubCards .hubCardImage { } #hubCards .hideLink{display:none;} Talk to your consultant to decide where to party and what you and your friends will learn." margin-bottom:10px; text-align: left; @media screen and (min-width:768px){ color:#1A5962 min-height: 525px!important; option1: { } flex:1; } Baking Dishes Baking Pans Cookie & Sheet Pans Dutch Ovens The rewards continue no matter what type of party you host! // else quiz is completed pwsURI = pathArray[2]; margin-top: 0px; #hostPWSBox #hostPWSBoxInfo #hostPWSBoxInfoPhone{} #partyTypeLabel{display:none;} } "Did you know? You can party at your table or ours! personalityResult[1]; #consultant-info-container{display:none !important;} width: 100%; font-size: 22px !important; var footIconState = jQuery(selected).data("isopen"); float: left!important; if(_dl.show_association[0].show_number != ""){ } $50 3-Party Booking Bonus Get $50 in free product rewards when three guests host parties. text-align:center; Host bonus may ship separately. To qualify for the free Large Reusable Storage Bag, one party of at least $200 in guest sales (before tax and shipping) must be held Jan. 115, 2023, and submitted to Home Office no later than 11:59 p.m. (CT) on Jan. 15, 2023. question2: { background-color:#F4B768!important; Wedding: [ color:#000; strong { justify-content: center line-height: 20px; } Find inspiration and ideas for holiday meals that leave us stuffed, romantic dinners that make us blush, and parties that still make us laugh long after they're over. }, var tpcfooterlcForm = document.getElementById("tpcfooterlcForm"); margin-right: 15px;padding: 0px 20px 20px 20px;}} } .pcOffersHostBanner .pcOffersHostBannerImage img{max-height:200px; margin-right:auto; margin-left:auto;} font-family: 'MuseoSans-900'; } question1: { font-size: 27px; btn[0].checked = false; line-height: 20px; margin: 0px 20px 20px 0px !important; Grill Launch Bundle $250 $185 | $900+ Value. font-size: 16px; personality: "Host" left: 0; 10% 10% Past-Host Discount Get 10% off for an entire year. Please Sign In or } #hostPWSBox #hostPWSBoxPicRow{text-align: center;} } else { .dashboard-a { height: 100%; position: relative!important; } else { #pcAssociationBanner a{font-family: "Foundation Sans Roman",sans-serif; font-size: 16px; line-height: 135%;} line-height: 135%; personality: "Fundraiser" #hostFuture p strong{ if (qnOption.type == "image") { ", .hostRewardsBanner .hostRewardsBannerImage{flex:100%; text-align:center;} font-size: 16px; #hostFuture p { if(location.hostname == ""){ flex: 50%; Plus, 60% Off Select Cookware. } } #hubCards .hubCardTitle .material-icons { .pcDouble .pcDoubleContent{ .tableVideo { flex-wrap: nowrap; #hostPWSBox{} "", margin-bottom: 5px !important; .hostRewards .hostRewardsText span{ margin: 0px 15px 20px 15px; } else { .pcOffersHostBanner .pcOffersHostBannerImage{flex:15%; text-align:right;} margin-bottom:15px; } #pcAssociationBanner{background:#fff;border-left: 12px solid #3597A6;width:100%;padding:10px 15px;margin-bottom:40px} font-size: 15px; } #contact-consultant-container { score[personality]++; type: "string", #hostFuture h2{font-family: Antonio-Regular; font-style: normal;font-weight: normal;font-size: 37px;line-height: 120%; margin-bottom:25px; text-align:center;} margin-bottom:40px; font-family: "Foundation Sans Roman",sans-serif; }, if(location.hostname == ""){ } } padding: 0px 15px 0px 15px; } .pcOffersHost { Check out our latest Test Kitchen LIVE! margin-bottom:10px; var highestScore = score["Host"]; }); The rewards continue no matter what type of party you host! .hostRewardsBanner .hostRewardsBannerImage img{margin-top:-30px; max-width:100%; max-height:120px; margin-right:10px;}. } Get 40% off any item or set at parties booked from yours. pages[2].style.display = "none"; margin-bottom: 40px; .pcDouble .pcDoubleContent{ if(pathArray[1] == "pws"){ jQuery(selected).html("expand_less") "Did you know? You can party at your table or ours! position: relative; line-height: 135%; margin-left: 20px; border-radius: 10px; padding:40px 40px 40px 20px }. } document.getElementById("hostparty-type-3").innerHTML = Shared rewards host are only eligible for the Large Reusable Storage Bag. } else if(location.hostname == ""){ } // get the current questions content document.getElementById("BookNowPWS-Btn").className = "BookNowPWS-Btn"; document.getElementById("hostparty-type-2").innerText = margin-left:auto; font-family: "Foundation Sans Roman",sans-serif; consultantID = _dl.consultant_association; #findConsultantButton .btn{ option1: { } flex-direction: column; var country = ""; Host: 0, .pcOffersHostBanner .pcOffersHostBannerImage img{max-height:200px; margin-right:auto; margin-left:auto;} }, From } border-radius: 50%; var pwsURI = ""; Sam NM man, an independent consultant with Pampered Chef. btn[3].checked = false; 10% 10% Past-Host Discount Get 10% off for an entire year. .pcDouble .pcDoubleContent .pcDoubleFeature{ background: #1A5962; document.getElementById("lcPWSLink").value = pwsURI; dataLayer.push({ outline: none; font-weight:bolder; .pcOffersHostBanner .pcOffersHostBannerInner {display:flex; flex-direction: row-reverse; background: #e4f0f2;border-radius: 10px;} type: "string", }, #host-circles{ font-family: Antonio-Regular; 6. font-size: 20px; Fundraiser: 0 No max! Upon cancellation of 6- and 12-month subscriptions, a $35 processing fee will be deducted from your prorated refund. } // constant to store all the questions and answers font-style: regular; border-radius: 10px; With the changes in September 2020, we are delivering even more value with the 3-party booking bonus! // increase the score of the personality by one .tableVideo { font-size: 45px; document.getElementById("host-party-img").innerHTML = } }, .pcDouble .pcDoubleContent .pcDoubleFeature{ background-color:#fff; font-size: 16px; ] #host-circles .circle-number{ font-size: 23px; ", } btn[2].checked = false; }. function next() { #hubCards .quoteCard .quoteMug{ align-items:center background-position: center top; padding-bottom: 41.50%!important; .about{ .qz-body-states { font-family: Antonio-Regular; option2: { "", .pcDouble .pcDoubleContent .pcDoubleFeature .pcDoubleFeatureBox .pcDoubleImage img{ } currentQn = currentQn + 1; align-items:center; document.getElementById("lcPWSLink").value = pwsURI; Host bonus may ship separately. width: 55px; margin-left: 20px; A fundraiser is an opportunity for a host to give back to a fundraiser rather than receiving the typical host rewards. jQuery(selected).data("isopen", "true"); max-width: 50% padding-bottom: 10px; .pcBanner{background:#fff;text-align:left; padding: 20px 20px 40px 20px;margin-bottom:40px;border-radius: 10px;}.pcBanner div{}@media screen and (max-width:767px){.pcBanner{margin-left: 15px; ", type: "string", margin-bottom:10px; 'event': "survey", } display:flex; } @media screen and (min-width:768px){ }, var tpcfooterlcForm = document.getElementById("tpcfooterlcForm"); font-size: 18px; } line-height: 135% !important; padding: 40px; } flex-direction:row-reverse; margin-bottom:10px; As a thank-you for hosting, you'll earn rewards starting at just $200 in guest sales. highestScore = score["Shared"]; height: 100%; }; } line-height: 20px; .pcOffersHost .pcOffersHostText{ #mobile-head th { ", background-color: #fff; -webkit-box-flex: 0; font-family: 'questa'; position: absolute; type: "string", } "", .pcOffersHost .pcOffersHostContainer{flex-direction:column;width:100%;margin-left:auto;margin-right:auto}.pcOffersHost .pcOffersHostImage{flex:100%}.pcOffersHost .pcOffersHostImage img{border-radius:10px 10px 0 0; width:100%; max-width:100%}.pcOffersHost .pcOffersHostText{flex:100%;}.pcOffersHost .pcOffersHostText span{width:100%} width: 100%; ", Answer (1 of 2): How do Host Benefits Work? Stoneware Launch Bundle $50 $25 | $260+ Value. margin-bottom:20px; @media screen and (max-width: 767px) { } .hostRewards .hostRewardsContainerBoxes{ padding: 10px; // if quiz not completed, setup the next question }; background-color: #FFF; Free! Benefits start at $200 in sales. text-align:center; #pcAssociationBanner{width: 90%; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;} } Home Letter to my host Let's Party Sample Messages HOST DASHBOARD Guest FAQ Home Letter to my host Let's Party Sample Messages . @media screen and (max-width:767px){ margin: 0px 10px; text-align: center; country = "US"; A proud member of the Berkshire Hathaway Family of Companies. vertical-align: middle; type: "string", vertical-align: middle; } .findConsultantButton { With a fundraiser, we'll donate up to 15% of the sales to an organization of your choice. } #host-circles{flex-direction:column;} } For details, check with your Consultant. font-family: 'MuseoSans-300'; } } margin-bottom: 5px; } country = "US"; jQuery(selected).html("expand_more"); padding:40px 30px 40px 30px } "", Get $50 in free product rewards when three guests host parties. .pcOffersHostBanner .pcOffersHostBannerText {flex:75%; padding:20px; font-family:"Foundation Sans Roman",sans-serif; font-size: 18px; line-height: 135%;} content: // page 1: result page .kit-box-l{ personality: "Wedding" width:90%;} #hostHeading h1 { ", The rewards continue no matter what type of party you host! } } And hear McAylee tell you the savings on each item - th. Guest sales excludes shipping and sales tax. jQuery(selected).data("isopen", "false"); line-height: 20px; max-height: 360px; pages[0].style.display = "none"; All Rights Reserved. No max! } dataLayer.push({ // unselect all options btn[3].checked = false; var highestPersonality = "Host"; padding: 40px; text-align:center; content: "I want all the rewards for myself! .pcOffersHostDeskButton{display:none;} line-height:55px; // page 0: start page } flex: 50%; margin-bottom:40px; } #hubCards .quoteCard .quoteLink a{ #recaptcha>div{margin-left:auto; margin-right:auto; width: auto; height: auto;} if (highestScore < score["Fundraiser"]) { line-height:135%; .host-icon-fit2{ var qn = questions["question" + currentQn]; I really enjoy using the covered baker. .pcDouble .pcDoubleContent .pcDoubleFeature .pcDoubleFeatureBox .pcDoubleText p { qnText.innerText = qn.question; display: flex; personality: "Shared" } justify-content: center flex:1; content.innerHTML = htmlStr; } option3: { font-size: 18px; $30 value! .pcOffersHost .pcOffersHostImage img{ margin-left: 20px; background-color: #FFFFFF; ", margin-bottom: 10px; } padding-bottom: 41.50%!important; /* Quote Card */ #hostTablePartyVid { progressbar.innerText = currentQn + 1 + "/3"; } const questions = { line-height: 20px; #filterSpacer { } font-size: 18px; } .dashboard-a { btn[0].checked = false; } ", } .pcOffersHostDeskButton{display:none;} .pcOffersHostMobileButton{display:none;} position: relative!important; text-align: center; flex-direction:row; = progress + "%"; "My birthday! text-align:center; if (window.pageYOffset > 150) { #hubCards .hubCardTitle { #host-circles .circle-number img{ .pcOffersHostMobileButton{display:block; margin:20px;} .hostRewards .hostRewardsContainerBoxes{ max-width: 900px!important; @media screen and (max-width: 768px) { if(pathArray[1] == "pws"){ personality: "Fundraiser" Discounts start at $100 in sales. Use the slider to see how your rewards . } } #hostPWSHeader{font-family:Antonio-Regular; font-size: 37px; line-height: 120%; text-align:center; margin-bottom:20px;} option0: { max-width: 900px!important; #hubCardsFilters .active { There's a reason we remember celebrationsthe big moments in our lives that leave big impressions in our hearts. personality: "Host" . option2: { line-height:135%; }, #host-circles{ font-style: normal; "", margin-left:auto; Hosts get twice as much to spend on products when guest sales are $650 or more. = progress + "%"; #hubCards .hubCard { .bac-promo .default-content-area p{ personality: "Fundraiser" font-family: 'MuseoSans-700', sans-serif !important; max-width:70%; dataLayer.push({ margin-left: 50px; }, } } margin-bottom: 40px; } I am angry and will never buy. border-radius: 10px; dataLayer.push({ @media(min-width:992px) and (max-width:1199px) { #hubCards .hubCardTitle .material-icons { consultantID = "001000"; max-width: 100%; }. #hubCards .hubCard { border-radius:10px; font-size: 16px; if (window.pageYOffset > 150) { text-decoration:none; } pwsURI = pathArray[2]; @media screen and (max-width:767px){ #filterSpacer { The reward will be added to your account after the third party is submitted. var qnText = document.getElementById("question"); font-family:"Foundation Sans Roman",sans-serif; }; flex-direction:row; personality: "Host" #contact-info-container #contactMeBookButton{width:260px; margin-left:auto; margin-right:auto; display:block;} } Get the Last Quick Comfort Foods Flyer. var htmlStr = "

" + qnOption.content + "

"; #contact-info-container{float: none !important; width: 100% !important; max-width: 720px; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; display: block !important; border-left: 0px !important;} border-radius:10px 10px 0px 0px; } *For every $100 over $1,000, add $25 in free product rewards. #filterSpacer { .pcOffersHost .pcOffersHostText{ ], @media screen and (min-width:768px){ // get the next questions, or display result if all questions were answered Get Started } font-size: 26px; } margin-right:30px; #hostFuture h3{font-family: Antonio-Regular; font-style: normal;font-weight: normal;font-size: 35px;line-height: 120%; margin-bottom:10px; text-align:center;} ", font-size: 22px !important; Please Sign In or font-size: 18px; It is often stated that you want to help them take advantage of the Host Special each month for the next 6 months, but they do actually have to have a booking each month to take advantage of it each month. color:#fff; // else quiz is completed } .blue-host-box { "You Should Have a Wedding Shower! consultantID = "001000"; } #takeQuiz h1 { ], Host: [ // increase the question count by 1 background: #1A5962; option3: { width: 100%; } border-radius: 40px; type: "string", .pcOffersHostBanner .pcOffersHostBannerImage img{/*margin-top:-30px;*/ max-width:100%; max-height:120px; margin-right:10px;}. } var consultantID = ""; .pcOffersHost { } #hostTable p strong{ /*margin-bottom:40px;*/ var btn = element.getElementsByTagName("input")[0]; .hostRewardsBanner .hostRewardsBannerInner {display:flex; flex-direction: row; background: rgba(247, 226, 205, 0.5);border-radius: 10px;} consultantID = "001000"; } jQuery(selected).html("expand_more"); function next() { font-style: normal; font-size: 15px; font-family: Antonio-Regular!important; personality: "Wedding" } Get 40% off any item or set at parties booked from yours. option2: { } font-size: 45px; } Deluxe Air Fryer $289 NOW $230 Rapid-Prep Mandoline $70 NOW $59 New Consultant Offer Say Yes to the Apron and Get Up to 50% Off in January Learn More About the Kit January Host Offer @media screen and (min-width:768px) and (max-width:991px) { padding-right: 10px; line-height: 120%; display: table-cell !important; } @media (max-width: 767px){ Pampered Chef Garlic Press 2575 - Easy Squeeze, Rust Proof, Ergonomic Handle - Professional Garlic Mincer & Ginger Press with Handy Cleaning Brush ", #hubCards .hubCardHeader { display:flex; .pcOffersHost .pcOffersHostContainer{flex-direction:column;width:100%;margin-left:auto;margin-right:auto}.pcOffersHost .pcOffersHostImage{flex:100%}.pcOffersHost .pcOffersHostImage img{border-radius:10px 10px 0 0; width:100%; max-width:100%}.pcOffersHost .pcOffersHostText{flex:100%;}.pcOffersHost .pcOffersHostText span{width:100%} Explore Pampered Chef Host Rewards 2022 with all the useful information below including suggestions, reviews, top brands, and related recipes,. var progress = 20 + currentQn * 20; margin-bottom: 5px !important; background-color: #FFF; margin-bottom: 20px; border-radius: 10px; if(_dl.consultant_association && _dl.consultant_association != ""){ align-items:center; // check if quiz is completed if(footIconState == "true") { #hubCardsFilters { personality: "Shared" content: "Shopping! consultantID = _dl.consultant_association; .dashboard-a { Create an Account Now 'survey': surveyName, All the attention is on *me*! display: flex; consultantID = "001000"; font-size: 15px; } content.innerHTML = htmlStr; var personalityResult = result[highestPersonality]; font-family: 'MuseoSans-900'; align-items:center; } font-size: 15px; The reward will be added to your account after the third party is submitted. content: "I want to give the rewards to a cause I care about. document.getElementById("pcAssociationBanner").style.display = "none"; align-items: center; padding: 0px 20px; font-size: 18px; } $156/ year (Best value- Save $36!) } jQuery(selected).html("expand_less") max-width:70%; flex:50%; padding:0px 20px; line-height: 135%; The information below applies to Cooking, Catalog, and Wedding parties. position: relative!important; max-width: 35% margin-top:40px;border:1px solid #C7C7C7;border-radius:10px;margin-left:10px;margin-right:auto;width:46.75%; font-size: 18px; .pcOffersHostBanner .pcOffersHostBannerText {flex:100%;} } Air Fryer Launch Bundle $200 $150 | $725+ Value. } padding: 8px 12px; ", } type: "string", text-align: center; font-family: 'MuseoSans-700', sans-serif !important; font-size:20px; // page 2: quiz border-radius: 0px; Totally Free! border-radius: 10px;margin-bottom: 40px;max-width: 700px; #host-circles .circle-number img{ var pwsURI = ""; } // updates each of the options for the current question Feb 16, 2011. }, } font-family: Questa; padding: 10px; content: "I want all the rewards for myself! btn.checked = true; } font-family: Questa; text-align:center; #hubCards img { line-height: 120%; option0: { text-align: center; .party-text { line-height: 135% !important; } }); ", function setupQuestion() { } #hostFutureReward { And the bigger the party, the more you earn! Get support for your Pampered Chef business today! const result = { ", // to select the option that is clicked ", #hostTable p { var currentQn = 0; type: "string", Everyone can receive savings between 2.5% to 25% on their entire order depending on the sales at the party. font-weight:900; } #hubCardsHeader>div { flex:1; text-align: center!important; font-size: 31px; } padding: 0px 15px 0px 15px; } text-align: center; country = "CA"; } vertical-align: bottom; .pcDouble .pcDoubleHeader h2{ ", max-width:100%; border-radius: 10px; Shared: 0, flex-direction:row; } width: 100%; max-width: 100%; } color: #fff; } @media screen and (min-width:768px){ font-family: 'MuseoSans-700', sans-serif !important; pages[2].style.display = "none"; text-align: center; @media screen and (max-width:767px){ var pwsURI = ""; score[personality]++; Get 40% off any item or set at parties booked from yours. margin-left:auto; border-radius: 50%; line-height: 135%; pages[0].style.display = "none"; .party-dashboard-container { font-size: 15px; option1: { flex:50%; Offer good while supplies last. display: flex; To qualify for the host offer, parties must have a minimum of $200 in guest sales (before tax and shipping). padding:20px 80px 20px 80px } } 1/2 Off! margin-right:20px!important; font-style: normal; #hubCards .hubCard { align-items: center; }, #takeQuiz { display: table-cell!important; margin-bottom: 10px; var pathArray = pagePath.split('/'); type: "string", margin-bottom: 20px; } "My birthday! flex: 0 0 auto; justify-content: center; font-size: 16px; margin-bottom: 20px; ", #host-circles .circle-number .circle-num { function resetOptions() { Pampered Chef Host Rewards - YouTube Book your party today! Hosts get twice as much to spend on products when guest sales are $650 or more. Called Pampered Chef to see about a replacement and they are telling me it only had a three year warranty. line-height: 135%; var progressbar = document.getElementById("progress"); question: "How do you like to spend your free time? line-height: 135%; font-size: 20px; background-image: url(/iceberg/inspo/yellowbg.png); Shared: 0, } margin-left: 20px!important; overflow-x: auto; font-size: 45px; padding-bottom:10px; Top 10 Pampered Chef Recipes of 2022 November 29, 2022 in Food & Drink 9 Home cooks made quite a variety of recipes in 2022, trying their hands at comfort food appetizers like this Baked Brie Sunflower, inventive takes on classics like a taco-inspired mac and cheese, and sweet treats like cookies & cream cakes. margin: 0px 15px 20px 15px; if (highestScore < score["Wedding"]) { max-width: 100%; // get the description of the party and update the result page } .pcDouble .pcDoubleHeader p{ font-family: "Foundation Sans Roman",sans-serif; padding:0px; margin-bottom:15px; .hostRewardsBanner .hostRewardsBannerText {flex:75%; padding:20px; font-family:"Foundation Sans Roman",sans-serif; font-size: 18px; line-height: 135%;} font-size: 18px; background: #1a5962; personality: "Shared" } left: 0; content: margin-top:20px; // to select the option that is clicked .hostRewards .hostRewardsTable{ showPage(1); .breadCrumb { visibility: hidden }. var consultantID = ""; } if (highestScore < score["Wedding"]) { #filterSpacer { personalityResult[4]; margin-top:20px padding:20px; var htmlStr = "

" + qnOption.content + "

"; } } #mobile-head th { padding:40px; font-family: 'MuseoSans-300'; "", if (highestScore < score["Shared"]) { } } bottom: 0; #hostTablePartyVid { var qnOption = qn["option" + i]; color: #fff; // and go through each of the partyy type, and update the highest score and party } margin-right:auto; #hubCardsHeader>div>strong { type: "string", .hostRewardsMobileButton{display:block; margin:20px;} var personalityResult = result[highestPersonality]; In a Shared Rewards Party, guests get to earn discounts along with the host! Book your party today! #hubCards .hubCard { "I'm a sucker for a good wedding. }, .pcOffersHostBanner .pcOffersHostBannerInner {flex-direction:column-reverse;} .host-icon-fit { margin-left: 20px!important; background-color: #FFF; width: 100%; text-align: left; margin-bottom: 20px; } else if(location.hostname == ""){ To access your Host Dashboard please follow these steps: On a Computer: Click on Sign In at the top right of the Pampered Chef website. next(); margin-bottom:15px; } 2023 Pampered Chef used under license. line-height: 35px; /* hide the left column */ showPage(1); font-size:15px;}, .centered {display: flex;justify-content: center;align-items: center;}.center1{justify-content: center;align-items: center;text-align: center;margin-top: 10px;}.container-quiz {font-family: "Foundation Sans Roman",sans-serif;background-color: #FFF;padding: 20px;border-radius: 10px;margin-bottom:40px;max-width: 700px;margin-left: auto;margin-right: auto;}#question {font-size: 20px;font-family: "Foundation Sans Roman",sans-serif!important;font-weight: bolder;margin-bottom:20px;}#hostparty-type-1 {font-size: 20px;font-family: "Foundation Sans Roman",sans-serif!important;font-weight: bolder;margin-bottom: 20px;}#questionaire-title {margin-top: 20vh;margin-bottom: 20vh;text-align: center;}.hidden {display: none;}. height: 0!important; font-size: 13px; Host bonus may ship separately. #hubCardsHeader>div>strong { #hostTable h2{font-family: Antonio-Regular; font-style: normal;font-weight: normal;font-size: 37px;line-height: 120%; margin-bottom:20px; text-align:center;} var qnText = document.getElementById("question"); max-width: 35% font-family: 'MuseoSans-500'; var pathArray = pagePath.split('/'); line-height: 20px; #hostFutureReward{ "You Should Have a Wedding Shower! var score = { font-size:27px; 40% Future Party Pick Get 40% off any item or set at parties booked from yours.

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